Prayer Pt. 3- Prayer is Quiet // January 19th, 2025
Teaching overview
This week’s teaching, Riley talked about Psalm 131, focusing on the theme of cultivating a calm and quiet soul through trust in God. Riley began by highlighting the value of praying through the Psalms as a guide for our own prayers, noting that Psalm 131, though short, holds significant relevance for our lives today.
Our prayer for your Community
This week, seek the Lord and ask him to help you commit to this journey of authentic prayer, growing deeper in faith and connection with You throughout this year and beyond.
Group questions
How is God speaking to you through this passage or idea? (Seek)
In what specific ways can you follow Jesus into deeper faith in light of this passage? (Practice)
How can we as a group support you in living out what we’ve discussed this week? (Mission)
For further meditation…
David’s psalm suggests a calm, contented posture of trust and dependence. Reflect on moments of stillness and humility in your own life. Embrace quietness in prayer and meditation, allowing yourself to rest in God's presence without striving.
David trusted in God's providence and sovereignty. In a practical way; surrender concerns and anxieties to God. Practice trust by affirming God's wisdom and control over all circumstances, especially those beyond your understanding.
David's contentment stems from his faith in God's enduring love and faithfulness. Cultivate gratitude for God's love and faithfulness in your life. Regularly remind yourself of God's promises and the hope that comes from trusting in Him.