

We are a community of Jesus followers who ache to see a movement of God in our time.

We gather every Monday Night to seek the presence of God, to practice the Way of Jesus, and to live radical lives on God’s mission.

Our Values

  • In this digital age, we believe the gathering of God’s people should be set apart in a distinct way. Each week, we invite you to leave your phone at the door and open yourself to the possibility of encountering the living God in a deeper, more present way.

  • Opening God’s word should be free from distraction. If we’re to be like the one in Psalm 1—delighting in and meditating on God’s word day and night—we can’t do that well on the same device that delivers every distraction.

    At Mountlake Church, we believe in owning, reading, and studying the written, printed, physical word of God. So bring your paper Bible and come seek the Spirit of God with us.

  • The prophet Joel said the Spirit would be “poured out on all flesh,” and we believe that promise can be realized among us every week. We invite you to listen for God’s voice and boldly speak it—to encourage, strengthen, and build up the church.

  • Each week after our gathering, we pack up and head over to Diamond Knot Brewery to practice community. We like to say the Spirit is best poured out on people who love each other. That’s why we believe time at the table is just as vital as time spent in worship or under teaching.

    We invite you to lean into the life of the church by sharing good conversation, good food, and quality time with us at the table.

I believe God desires to bring about a movement of the Spirit in this generation. As we stay rooted in the Way of Jesus, I’m confident we’ll begin to see it happen.

- Pastor Benjamin

Come follow Jesus with us.


They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2v42)