Romans 15:8-21 // November 3rd, 2024

Teaching overview

This week’s teaching was on Romans 15:8-21 In this text, Riley taught that God’s plan for salvation is for the whole world and there is a reason for us to reach out to the lost in our world & community: 1) God did it for us. 2) Authentic ministry has it’s ups and downs. 3) How we do ministry matters.

Our prayer for your Community

Our prayer for you this week is that we would be reminded to have an open door and an empty seat in our communities for people who need to know the love and renewal for Jesus.

Group questions

  1. How is God speaking to you through this passage or idea? (Seek)

  2. In what specific ways can you follow Jesus into deeper faith in light of this passage? (Practice)

  3. How can we as a group support you in living out what we’ve discussed this week? (Mission)

For further meditation…

  1. Reflect on how Christ’s service inspires us to serve others, particularly those who may be different from us. Are there people in our lives or communities whom we could embrace more fully or reach out to? Pray for a heart that reflects Christ’s welcoming love.

  2. Paul’s mission to the Gentiles shows his dedication to God’s purpose, relying on the Spirit’s power rather than his own strength or fame, reminding us to approach our own mission with humility and dependence on God’s strength to make a lasting impact.

  3. Paul’s zeal for reaching the unreached reveals the joy of sharing the gospel, encouraging us to spread God’s love to those around us and to seek opportunities within our community groups, trusting that even small moments can plant seeds of faith & hospitality.


Romans 15:18-33 // November 10th, 2024


Romans 15:1-7 // October 27th, 2024