New Year Reflection Questions and Prayer Practice

"Remember how Yahweh your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands" - Deuteronomy 8:2v3

This practice is all about remembering. Around New Year’s, our culture is big on embracing the new: fresh starts, new habits, new goals, “new me.” I’m not saying those things are bad by any means, but as followers of Jesus, we’re called to pause before we jump ahead. We’re called to look back first.

How can we know what’s ahead if we don’t know where we’ve come from?

How can we chart the way forward if we haven’t traced where we’ve been?

How can we have hope for the future if we’re not grounded in the reality of what’s already happened?

Before planning for:

  • the weight you want to lose,

  • the money you want to save,

  • the new hobby you want to take up,

  • the bad habits you want to leave behind, or

  • the places you want to go,

First, take a moment to reflect on what God has already done in your life.

Here are some questions to help you think about God’s faithfulness over the past year:

  1. How did this year go for you?

  2. What were the best and worst parts?

  3. What did you really enjoy? What was tough?

Pause. Breathe.

Now, let’s take it a step further. Ask God to show you the bigger picture of this year:

  • What were the big themes, the major wins, and the hardest struggles?

  • What stayed consistently good, and what stayed consistently difficult?

  • Think back to where you were last year at this time. What were you up to? What were you learning? How was your relationship with God?

Ask him to bring to mind a moment when you really needed him. In that moment, imagine where God was:

  • What was he doing?

  • How did he respond to you?

  • What might he want you to see in that memory?

Take some time to sit with these thoughts in God’s presence. Picture yourself holding these moments in your hands and bringing them to God. Lay them at his feet. Open your hands and offer them up, and then let his voice speak over them as your loving King.

Pause. Breathe.

Finish this time by reading this verse from Joshua slowly, weighing each word, considering how God would speak them to you directly:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for Yahweh your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1v9

Pause. Breathe.

Read this one more time and really consider God’s intention and heart as he speaks this over Joshua, and maybe even to you.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for Yahweh your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1v9

Pause. Breathe.

As you step into the new year, don’t leave the past behind without taking stock of it. Your life is part of a bigger story, and the Spirit is at work in you day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year.

Here’s a prayer to carry with you as you move forward into this new season:

God, where are we going next?


Prayer Pt. 1- Pray What You Got // January 5th, 2025


Advent Community Guide - Week 3