Strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf.


Jon & Shannon Mirich


Jack & Mari Bell

Hannah Claycamp

  • Brianne grew up attending Calvary Fellowship and gained a heart for missions while participating in youth group outreach-es. After training with YWAM and a number of short-term outreaches, she joined a team investing in the people of India.

    Meanwhile Austin also worked with YWAM in the Horn of Africa, until God led their lives together in marriage. They settled together with the team in India, committed to serving God wherever He may call.

  • Austin and Brianne serve with a team in New Delhi, a city of 30 million people with intense physical and spiritual needs (80% Hindu, 14% Muslim, and 2% Christian). They work, witness, worship and intercede in this place to disciple open hearts and see an indigenous movement of believers raised up and reaching the nations around them.

  • For those whom they have been called to live alongside in India to know God and His unique plan for them.

  • For influence with friends and acquaintances to show God's love. Team established as a long-term missions base with discipleship programs for local Christians. Protection from hostile intentions (missionaries are not allowed in India), and good health.

Austin & Brianne Collier

  • (Missionary) attended Calvary Fellowship's youth group and gave their life to Jesus when they where 16 years old on a mission trip to Europe. Since then, they have moved to (South Asia) to serve full time with Youth With A Mission.

  • To reach the youth of (South Asian city) and to disciple them in their walk with God through the arts and through foundational biblical studies. (Missionary) is currently working on opening a youth center in (South Asian city) where young people can come for refuge and focus on creativity, identity, and evangelism.

  • To inspire, build up, and encourage youth in their individual callings and identities.

  • The past couple of years have had a lot of unrest and protesting in regards to the relationship between (South Asian city) and Mainland China. Please pray for peace, reconciliation, and protection over Christians and political prisoners. Pray for vision, partnerships, and finances for The Elisha Project youth center. Pray for (South Asian city) youth to be bold with their faith.

    ( (South Asian city) culture is an honor and shame based culture and that makes it difficult for young people to share the gospel or participate in discipleship programs.)

Anonymous Missionary

  • TBD

  • TBD

  • TBD

  • TBD

Anonymous Missionary


  • Josué Moraga, a Nicaraguan national, began serving in 2011 as full-time pastor of the young Calvary church plant in Matagalpa, Nicaragua, with his wife Karina taking on children's and women's ministries.

    Pastor Josué has a bachelor's in theology from Managua Baptist seminary and a degree in business accounting. He is a gifted teacher of the Word of God and in discipling people in the ways of Jesus.

    Karina has her training as a bilingual school teacher. Their combined gifts are a blessing to the community of believers. They have a son Freddy, and daughter, Amari.

  • To reach and develop true disciples of Jesus, characterized by being faithful to His teachings (John 8:31), loving one another (John 13:35) and bearing fruit for the honor and glory of the Lord (John 15:8).

  • Becoming true disciples of Jesus, obedient to His commands (Matt. 28:19-20a).

  • For wisdom to guide the church and for His Spirit to guide us every day so that we can grow in our love for one another. For health and provision for the people of our church. For God to bless the people who support us financially and in prayer.

Josué & Karina Moraga


  • Mike came to Christ at Calvary Fellowship in the early 90's and Becky came to Christ in 1995. After attending Calvary Fellowship for 5 years, they moved their young family to assist at Calvary Chapel in Nice, France, for 5 years. In 2002, they made a bold move to Paris and started a Bible Study in their home.

    Calvary Chapel Paris has continued to grow over the years.

    Their oldest daughter, Abby, is now married to Kris, living outside Paris. Emma lives in Phoenix, while David and Sophie attend junior high in Paris.

  • Under their leadership, the Parisian church is thriving with Sunday and Wednesday services, as well as men's, women's and children's ministries.

  • To begin training elders to become church planters, to establish new deacons, and begin growing numerically again to eventually send out groups when the church is ready to plant new works in the greater Paris area.

  • That people would hang in for the long-term while the church grows and gets back into an outreach mentality. Pray for all the right training tools, that we could stay in the same neighborhood to grow roots, and for provision and lots of grace by the Holy Spirit.

Mike & Becky Dente

  • Rob attended Calvary Fellowship as a young adult, traveling overseas to evangelize and help plant churches. He and his wife Joanie moved long-term with the team establishing a Calvary Chapel church in Siegen, Germany in 1990, and then to Westminster, London, in 1997 as Assistant Pastor. He then planted Calvary Chapel Twickenham, (currently meeting in the Hampton area which celebrated its 20th anniversary in April

    2021. The Dingmans have two grown children, Holly (married to André) and Katie who is attending University.

  • To pursue and express through action, the faith, love and hope of God as the disciples did in Acts 2:42. They strive to stimulate each other to love and good deeds (Heb. 10:24), remembering that faith without works is dead (James 2:20).

  • To evangelize, serve the people, raise up leaders, encourage other leaders, and write books about what they've learned in over 30 years of ministry.

  • For God to pour out His Holy Spirit on all flesh and raise up faithful men and women. For personal guidance for our family as we navigate possible transition in ministry. For inspiration and guidance in authoring books.

Rob & Joanie Dingman

  • Daniel and Jennifer met at Calvary Fellowship after both had studied at Calvary Chapel Bible College. They felt called to France even before their marriage, and as newlyweds, they moved to serve at Calvary Chapel in Nice, France. Since 2010 they've been pastoring at Calvary Chapel in Lyon, France, where they live with their sons Benjamin, Joshua, Noé and Levi.

  • As a family, we aim to be faithful, caring and helpful servants for the advancement of God's kingdom in our city of Lyon; striving side by side, and with one mind, for the faith of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We strive to be a church that believes that diversity is not a barrier to unity as we reach out to diverse Muslim and refugee communities.

  • Providing church services, discipleship and bookstore ministry in the Rhône region.

  • Pray for grace and wisdom as we teach through the whole counsel of Scripture. For a fruitful bookstore ministry that seeks to equip our city with the Word of God, and provide access to Christian literature and media. For our outreach ministry to marginalized members of our community.

Daniel & Jennifer Flores

  • Max received a Bible while working as a translator for a Christian conference in his hometown of Omsk, and accepted Christ as his personal Savior after reading it for two months.

    Soon after, he visited friends in Moscow (1,700 miles away), and attended a Calvary Chapel there. They began to pray for one to be started in Omsk. Calvary Fellowship participated in planting the church there in 1997, and in 2001 the Lord called Max to pastor Calvary Chapel Omsk. The city of 1.2 million people is located in southwestern Siberia where the winters can be very cold and the summers very hot!

  • Teaching the Bible and bringing people closer to the Lord.

  • And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers... And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

  • Please pray for continued wisdom and grace in shepherding His church and strategies for evangelism to reach the people of Omsk. Pray for our own building for services. For the church members to be hungry for growth, and the church youth to thrive in their faith.

Max Gorbunov

  • Kurt grew up as a missionary kid in Germany and Austria. He began attending Calvary Fellowship in 1994. Tiffany came to Christ at Calvary Fellowship in 1993. They were married in 1997 and went to Germany in 1998 to help support the Calvary church plant in Munich. In 1999, they moved to Leipzig to plant a church and have been there since, pastoring CC Leipzig.

    They have four children. The oldest (Simon) lives in Bielefeld, Germany, and Andrew, Lillia and James are still at home.

  • Their main ministry is pastoring and shepherding the church in Leipzig. They are also involved in supporting and encouraging other missionaries in Europe.

  • To disciple the men and women in the church. To reach the lost souls in Leipzig with the gospel. To encourage other missionaries.

  • That those being discipled would bear fruit in their lives. That we would be able to get permission to open a café, and that it would be an effective tool for evangelism. For spiritual growth and protection for us as a family.

Kurt & Tiffany Ibbotson

  • Stan was saved in 1990 and Marnie in 1982. After fellowshipping at Calvary Chapel Santa Clarita, they were sent out in 1993 to minister in the Netherlands. They’ve been blessed with four adult daughters: Kristine (married to Mike), Ashley (married to Byron), Kendall (married to Owen), and Alyssa. Their grandchildren include Jordan, Kiara, Kayden, Anaya, Elijah, and Aimee.

  • In January of 2007, Stan and Marnie planted the thriving Calvary Chapel Haarlemmermeer, where they still serve, teaching the Bible verse by verse and preaching the gospel. They’ve planted two churches so far, with another one in the works.

  • To plant churches, raising up from within and without, with the intention of planting 25 Calvary Chapels in the Netherlands.

  • Pray for our death to self, brokenness before God, and a continued filling of the Holy Spirit, along with divine wisdom. For a radical passion for those who don’t know Jesus yet, especially our neighbors. Pray for our neighbors to be saved.

Stan & Marnie Marinussen

  • Vanessa McElroy was impacted in her young adult years by Healing Hearts (post abortion) ministry, and other ministries at Calvary Fellowship. She spent 10 years in Russia, developing the Healing Hearts ministry alongside several newly planted Calvary Chapel churches there, then moved to Ukraine in 2001.

    She began to disciple women and youth and also teach English.

  • around the western Ukraine city of Mukachevo. She designs Bible-based curriculum for the English classes that she teaches to local Ukrainians of multiple age groups. Her church (Living Water) became a dynamic center of ministry to refugees when war broke out, and Vanessa persevered to serve the needs of this critical time alongside her Pastor and church body - providing housing, transportation, clothing and supplies, children's programs, prayer and the hope of the gospel.

  • To share the hope, love, and faith in Christ throughout western Ukraine, especially through hospitality and teaching English, and also through whatever opportunities arise.

  • For the Russia-Ukraine War to end and peaceful restoration of communities across Ukraine. For eyes steadfastly on the Lord, and His continued provision financially and emotionally for these many needs

Vanessa McElroy

  • Pierre and Nancy were both saved at Calvary Fellowship in 1983. After serving ten years there, they moved their family of two sons, Tonio and Sebastien, to Nice, France, Pierre's homeland. Tonio and his wife Lindsey have a daughter, Daphné, and a son, Django. Sebastien and his wife Maina reside in Paris with their two sons, Noé and Nils.

  • Pierre and Nancy started Calvary Chapel Nice in July 1993, in their living room. Since then, the church has seen great growth, with two church plants in France. After 26 years as lead pastor, Pierre turned the pastorate over to his eldest son Tonio in 2019. Pierre now helps oversee the Calvary Chapels throughout France.

  • For Calvary Chapels in France to develop strong ties between CC churches and CC church plants, to encourage and support their leaders, to foster the birth and growth of new works, and to work with like-minded French ministries.

  • Persevere in trusting God to lead and show us "The Next Most Important Thing" in complete reliance on His Spirit.

Pierre & Nancy Petrignani

  • Tonio moved with his missionary family to Nice, France, in 1992 at the young age of ten years old and was saved in 1997. He graduated with a Computer Science degree in 2003 and married Lindsey in 2010 (who was saved at age five). They have two young children, Daphné and Django.

  • Tonio has served at Calvary Chapel Nice alongside his father Pierre since 2009, and took over the lead pastorate in 2019. He and Lindsey are both gifted in teaching, leading worship, and discipling.

  • For our church to follow Jesus. As we follow Him, we get to know Him more and become better disciples. We also follow Him in sharing the good news and discipling new believers, which is the Great Commission.

  • Pray for us to be faithful to Jesus, to feed the flock here, and train and raise up leaders in the church. We want to be disciplined in knowing and following Jesus and running the race He has called us to.

Tonio & Lindsey Petrignani


  • Taylor Griffin grew up at Calvary Fellowship and continued to grow in his faith at Central Washington University where he got involved with Chi Alpha, a Christian ministry on college campuses. He met and married Cassidy who had grown up at CC Olympia, and they both felt called to full-time campus ministry. They currently work with a ministry team at CWU where they teach Bible classes, disciple students, lead small and large groups, and train interns for Chi Alpha.

  • To make disciples who will make disciples who will make even more disciples They host weekly large group worship nights, small group bible studies, one on one meetings with students, and teach classes.

  • To create a Spirit-empowered, diverse community of believers on WU's campus who are mobilized to be missionaries on campus, in the workplace, and around the world.

  • Pray for Taylor and Cassidy and their team as they reach out to international and American students; for Taylor as he heads up the internship program; and for students to fall in love with Jesus and develop habits that deepen their faith throughout their lives. Pray for God's blessing on their small children, Matthew and Sophie.

Taylor & Cassidy Griffin

  • Jiross was introduced to missions through numerous overseas missions trips as a high schooler in Calvary Fellowship's youth group, and served as a youth leader after graduating. Next, she worked for 2 years in Ensenada, MX as a missionary with A Jesus Mission (AJM), a non-profit missionary care and sending organization. This led to an administrative role with AJM, where she now serves stateside as Assistant to the President, Creative Director, and Missionary Care person.

  • Since 2018, Jiross has helped build the infrastructure of AJM with the purpose of equipping and supporting missionaries - through care, connectivity and consistency. Jiross is committed to making sure missionaries get the care and support that they need in order to continue in the lane the Lord has called them to. She creates fundraising materials for missionaries and is on call 24/7 if missionaries are in need of anything. Her heart is for missionaries to feel consistently cared for, as being on the field can feel lonely.

  • To equip the found and find the lost. For missionaries who are called to the field to stay on the field with healthy longevity.

  • For more people giving to help support us and our missionaries and for more workers for the harvest!

Jiross Lakey

  • In his college years, God called Jeff into ministry to internation al students. Since 1988, he's been working in Seattle with a ministry called International Students Inc., partially supported by the body at Calvary Fellowship. Jeff and his wife Jan (former church secretary at CF) have two adult married children, Jeni and Peter, and 2 grandchildren.

  • ISI's focus is to "make disciples of all the nations" by sharing Christ's love with college students who come here from all the nations, potentially returning to their home country with this treasure to share with others. Jeff leads and coordinates volunteers doing activities that build relationship and introduce them to Jesus, and encourages those who respond, to grow spiritually. They do this through dinners, Bible studies, hikes and ski-trips and one-on-one discipleship.

  • Sharing Christ's love with international students and visiting scholars from around the world, by connecting them with God's people.

  • Please pray for divine appointments to invite students, that many would encounter the living God, and in turn, bless the nations with the gospel message. Pray for love and grace in coordinating volunteers, and provisions for ministry and personal needs.

Jeff Nelson


  • Dan responded to Christ at a Calvary Fellowship outreach concert in the late 70's. He became Calvary's first official missionary as he went out to serve with Youth With A Mission, and spent many years of his life leading ministry in Asia. Dan and his wife Christine pioneered a work in South Asia and raised up national leaders to carry on the ministry. They have four grown children: Josiah, Esther, Matthias and Hannah, and seven grandchildren.

  • Dan trains pastors, missionaries and lay-leaders in biblical principles for leadership and towards fulfilling the call of God on their lives. His desire is to build God's Kingdom by reaching the unreached, especially in Asia and Africa, as well as ministry in the US. Despite health issues, he is constantly speaking at churches and zoom seminars and regularly travels the globe to train and equip nationals.

  • Equipping nationals to fulfill the call of God. Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand. Rom. 15:21

  • Pray for health for Dan and Christine, for God's direction in planning future ministry and training opportunities, and for God's anointing in teaching/preaching His Word.

Dan & Christine Bushy

  • Working as a youth pastor at Calvary Fellowship for many years, Craig and Vicki saw the power of short-term missions in the lives of both youth and adults. They have always had a heart for missions, developing many important relationships around the globe. They also treasure investing in the lives of their 4 married children and their grandchildren in the Seattle area.

  • Craig helps in executive leadership of AJM, doing missionary care and developing short-term missions. Vicki is also involved as the North Seattle Leader of 40 Days For Life, bringing awareness and ministry to those who've had abortions or who are in a crisis pregnancy.

  • Continuing missionary care, specifically with 5 missionaries in AJM, helping them gather funding and employ pastoral care.

    Creating 5-6 short-term missions for the upcoming year, both for young people and smaller groups of adults. Engaging locally in the pro-life movement and area youth ministries.

  • Pray for wisdom regarding the many many outreach opportunities and which ones to attend to. Pray for continued financial assistance for the Finleys and for the missionaries and short-term teams that they work with.

Craig & Vicki Finley


    Kris accepted the Lord in 1973, and for 41 years she has attended Calvary churches, including Calvary Fellowship and Calvary: The Hill. She travels for most of the year, wherever the need is greatest in the world, and Seattle is her home base. She has two sons, Cory, who is now in Heaven, and Jake, who lives in Southern California with his wife and two children. Kris also has two grandchildren in Seattle.

  • As an emergency room nurse, Kris uses her gifts to minister health, courage, and the gospel. She took her first mission trip to Central America in 1980, and currently serves in short term relief work with these ministries: Samaritan's Purse, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Jewish Voice Ministry International, Vision Beyond Borders, Medical Teams International, and Circle Of Love.

  • To use my gifts to point and lead as many people to Christ as possible.

  • That I grow daily in my relationship with Jesus and learn to love like He loves.

Kris Repp

  • Wayne was saved young, and in 1969 he started serving the Lord in a band called The Brethren. He and his brother Kelley began a home Bible Study in 1974, with the pattern of verse-by-verse teaching done at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

    In 1977, they started holding Sunday morning services in a Seattle school. He married Cathy in 1979 and they have 4 children: Jordan (married to Michelle), Amy (married to Daniel), Riley (married to Bhritney), and Nick (married to Anna).

  • Wayne took part in planting Calvary Fellowship as well as 25 churches in the Puget Sound and other locations in the United States. He also helped plant 20 churches in Western Europe, Russia, and elsewhere. After 42 years at the helm of CF, Wayne turned over the pastorate to his son Riley in May 2018.

  • Wayne continues to help oversee and visit the leaders of local and abroad churches with the Calvary Global Network and CC

    Bible Schools. He attends conferences, seeking to build up pastors by teaching the Scriptures and evangelism.

  • For wisdom and the Spirit's guidance to encourage pastors to go out and plant churches.

Wayne Taylor