Richard and Debbi Ross
The Ross family were part of Mountlake Church while Richard was the executive pastor and an elder between 2021-2023. Richard’s gift and heart is to shape spiritually healthy disciplemakers, something he and Debbi have been doing in missions and churches across the world in Hawai’i, CA, OR, Kenya, Israel, Palestine, China, Washington DC, and WA state. They are sensing the Lord’s call to Japan - to embody God’s aloha (love) among those who share their cultural heritage. (Both Richard & Debbi are Japanese Americans.) They anticipate serving at their friends Yuichi and Satsuki Watanabe’s church in Aso, southern Japan.
The Ross’ daughter Hannah and her husband, Mark, live in Costa Mesa, CA, working as physical therapists.
To Love God, Love People, and to Make Disciples of Jesus
Building Healthy, Gospel-Centered Discipleship Movements
Prayer Request
To seek first the Kingdom of God
For God’s timing and provision for our transition to Japan
Our Japanese language studies
For interim employment as the Rosses prepare for their move
Preparations for spiritual warfare in Japan
To raise prayer and financial support